Café 54 Artwork
Café 54 proudly features the artwork of individuals in mental health recovery. Here is a small selection of typical artwork on display—exact pieces may or may not still be available. To inquire about purchasing any artwork from Café 54, please call at 520-622-1907 or email info [at] Café 54 takes no commission, so your purchase entirely benefits the artist.
Untitled by Attif Hassan, acrylic on canvas
Angel at Sunrise by Sammie Alijagic, acrylic on canvas
Red Dragon Dancer, Blue Dragon Dancer by James Babcock
Presidents by Gerard Anderson, colored pencil
Coasters by Jeffrey G. Witter, acrylic on wood
Interlude by Rachel Kelty, pencil, framed
Pocket Shrines by Rachel Kelty, found materials
Don’t Dream It, Be It by Sammie Alijagic, acrylic on canvas
World Peace Leader mini canvases by Beth Parker, acrylic on canvas